It is with great pleasure to write the preface to this e-book prepared by SBM for the benefit of all members. From diagnosis to treatment meets the desire of the National Mastology looking for a quick and qualified guidance, written by important landmarks of our specialty.The practicality and objectivity were what caught my attention. Our expert today is a great resource option to assist you in resolving the most doubts. Importantly, this e-book was developed in the management of our friend Ruffo Freitas Jr. and is being launched in the current management also friend Antonio Frasson, showing the integration that Mastology need experience because after Mastology the accounts is for everyone and our main goal is you mastologist.Good reading,Carlos Alberto Ruiz - President of the Brazilian Society of Mastology (2011-2013)The e-book "Mastology: From Diagnosis to Treatment" was edited by breast clinics holders Fabio Bagnoli, Fabricio Palermo Brenelli, José Luiz Pedrini, Ruffo Freitas Júnior and Vilmar Marques de Oliveira and consists of 64 chapters arranged in the following five sections:SESSION I: SCREENING AND DIAGNOSIS OF BREAST DISEASESESSION II: MANAGEMENT OF DISEASES BREAST BenignSESSION III: MANAGEMENT OF INJURIES PRECURSORSESSION IV: BREAST CANCERSESSION V: BREAST CANCER POST-TREATMENT